Yeollie Namstar
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UPDATE : new skin ! please don't remove credit if i know you do, you would be ashamed.serius.

Monday, July 4, 2011

annyeonghaseyo chingu !!!

first of all (speaking u !!) sorry sgt yer sbb lme x update . x dek la lme mne sgt an . hehe . bz maa ~ cntikkan blog jap tp hsilnya x cntik n x cute gak ! huhu . it's ok , it's alright (bkn it's u yer) . sblum tlinga korang brnanah  dgr aq mrungut sensorang , ce tgk gmbr nie :
*ank raja siott ! haha

woi !!! spe nie ? haha . anda knal bdak nie ? sle hbngi nmber yg trtera *014 tkan2 x dpt ! wakaka . aq tgk skrg nie rmai yg edit gmbr camnie . kbnyakan nye d fb la . aq x tau la pe yg best sgt er edit gmbr camnie . so , aq dgn mnggdiknye prgi la tnye epa . edit kat mne ? die ckp chinese edit photo . aq search kat google . yes ! ada pun ! aq pun download r . pe lg an . hehe . skli aq bkak desktop die , ommaigot !!! sumenye cne !!! mcm la aq phm ckp cne . haha . aq pun try je la wat . *actually , x wat pun . haha . then , epa tlong ajarkan aq . thanks yaw , my neighbour ^^  pas 2 aq edit by myself . yg aq ske psal edit nie sbb die mcm photoshop . x dek la sme mne an . dlm 10% gtu r . haha . hsilnya gmbr d ats . maybe mcmnie la mke aq klu make-up an . haha . almaklumla , x prnh lg bermake-up mcm nie . i'm just a simple person laa . hehe . ok x ? pe pndpat korang ? klakar pun ada aq tgk . hehe . komen kat bwh yer or post je kat my fb wall .

*agak2 pe prasaan onew nmpk aq camnie . haha (dh la , onew x bg tgk lme2)

*u give me a rose , kyu ? faint !!!

*waaa , teukie ! r u jealous n angry with kyu ? keke ~

p/s : klu wat profile pic fb agak2 bleh x ? hehe

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